The film, "A Deeper Love" is a documentary that seeks to blend reality and traditional documentary forms to tell the story of the evolution of Black LGBT Pride. The film hopes to mobilize viewers as well as raise awareness within the community. This film will not only entertain but help unify the overall gay community and transform individual lives for the better.
Gay pride events are all over the United States - they are a focal point of being able to demonstrate solidarity and commonality for gay men and women. In the film A Deeper Love, the goal of the film is to hold people responsible and accountable for their actions in relation to gay pride events across the county. This means that many of the members of the Black gay community use Pride events as a way to satisfy their sexual urges - but organizers are after a more diverse understanding of the LGBT experience. They offer more programs for the soul at events and it is the responsibility of every member of the community attending these events to take advantage of these events.
A Deeper Love the documentary falls under the banner of the Open Secrets Project produced by A New Take Studios which inspires discussion and action around sexual stigmas and gender issues affecting the Black community, connecting through visual media, education, workshops, advocacy and public forums.
Simple. You can contribute one or more of the sponsorship levels to be part of the project. Or, another option is that you can contribute one or more of the sponsorship levels – and get on social media or, failing that, the phone – and spread the word to other folks you know in your circles to be part of A Deeper Love and help realize the goal of bringing attention to often overlooked or marginalized people in our society.
If we should happen to exceed our goal, the additional resources will help us make this the best documentary series possible - and to “pay it forward” by providing extra incentives within the community and A New Take Studios’ companion initiative, the Open Secrets Project.
Open Secrets is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of “A Deeper Love” must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” and are 100% tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.
You can also help by spreading the word to those you know - and help us get to know them. We’re on the look out for relationships that can help us get this project completed and in front of audience eyeballs faster and better. Facebook, LinkedIn… heck, even good old fashioned phone numbers will do. We want your friends to be our friends.
Among the relationships your organization can have with the A Deeper Love project are:
Media Sponsor supports by acquiring publicity for the project. They assist in seeking print, TV, radio and web coverage through public relations activities. This relationship drives awareness, alerting members of the public and the target audience that the film is something that should be on their cultural radar.
Marketing Sponsor promotes the project to their current network through various outlets. The marketing efforts are intended to convert possible viewers into paying viewers or to get groups or organizations involved in the project at any level.
Venue Sponsor allows space for project events. They donate time or space for marketing, screening, moderation, production, or cultural events that are connected to the project. Obviously, they are heavily tied to the project through their association.
Product/Service Sponsor provides requested services to the project. This may include project gift bags, strategic support, consulting hours etc. Your product or service can be featured in the production as well as on printed or electronic material accompanying the production.
All nonprofit sponsors will receive:
Credit on the project
Name included on social media and in publications
Signage and promotional material at events
Logo and link to website on project's website
All of these relationships can include donation of time and human resources as well as the above suggestions. In fact, we recommend active involvement from all of our sponsors in any way they can.